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Cyprus Transfer Fees and Stamp Duties Calculator

Total Purchase Taxes

If buying as an individual
 TF + 
If buying on joint names
 TF + 

Calculation Breakdown

Transfer fees

Transfer fees is a progressive tax paid by property purchasers to the land registry when the title deed of the property is transferred to their name.​ For newly built properties, if VAT is paid on the property, no Property Transfer Fees are payable.

[TF] Transfer fees if buying as an individual

Purchase price bands (€)
Percentage rate (%)
TF due (€)
Up to 
Above  Up to 
Above  +
Total TF due as individual
Total TF as individual after discount (50%)

[TF] Transfer fees if buying on joint names

Purchase price bands (€)
Percentage rate (%)
TF due (€)
Up to 
Above  Up to 
Above  +
Total TF as joint
Total TF as joint after discount (50%)
Stamp Duties

Stamp duties is tax paid by property purchasers when the property sales agreement is registered with the land registry.

[SD] Stamp duties

Purchase price bands (€)
Percentage rate (%)
SD due (€)
Above  Up to  
Above  +
Total SD due

This tax calculator is designed to give you an indication of your tax liability when buying a freehold property in Cyprus. All calculations are rounded to the nearest euro. In some cases, the Cyprus Land Registry calculations may be different to what is shown above. For a detailed quotation you may contact one of our lawyers.